TMD complaints are painful and can affect the whole body – especially if they are not being treated. Those affected often suffer from physical and psychological problems. Find out if you suffer from TMD with our self-test and treat your symptoms with our products. These will help you enjoy your life again without pain. With the help of the RehaSplint, Aqualizer and the RehaBite masticatory muscle trainer, you can improve your quality of life.
The RehaSplint is a temporary bite splint, which is available in 3 different versions. It is made out of a biocompatible plastic and helps with relieving postures, overloading and tension in the jaw. The short term temporary splint can be used immediately relieves acute discomfort from the first wearing.
RehaBite – masticatory muscle trainer against TMD complaints
The RehaBite is a masticatory muscle trainer that you can easily use at home to treat discomfort caused by the TMD syndrome. The elastic bite fork filled with glycerine relieves muscle tension and restrictive postures in the temporomandibular joint. You can use it as an alternative to therapy with medication and the occlusal splint.
TMD sufferers use Aqualizer temporary splints fo pain relief, functional improvement, and as an aide to diagnosing how much the dental bite is the cause of their problems.
The floating action of the Aqualizer enables the body to find and restore its own systemic function and balance to achieve dental equilibrium. The Aqualize's built-in fluid system automatically eliminates the occlusal imbalances that trigger the patient's symptoms.
AFR-Mini-RegProduct descriptionThe AFR Mini-REG is an anterior functional registration device to trace the movement of the mandible. Like any conventional JIG splint, the AFR Mini-Reg is designed to temporarily deprogram the neuromuscular system. Like any other JIG splint a neuromuscular relaxation can be achieved. Interfering occlusal influences are prevented. The maximum movement of the mandible is recorded in the form of an arrow angle, also known as the Gothic arch tracing. This information can be transferred to a centric bite registration. This simple, fast and easy method is used to determine the mandibular relationship and the centric condylar position (CR-Position). The correct centric relation can be used for mounting the upper and lower cast models CR when mounting in the articulator. The CR-Position will be transferred to the articulator with the CR Bite Wax registration plate.The AFR-Mini-Reg is ready for immediate use and it comes in one size. The unique combination of an anterior JIG with integrated registration function is a quick way to determine the centric condylar position and maximum mandibular movement.Additional InformationThe AFR-Mini-Reg is the only neuromuscular deprogrammer which visualizes the mandible movement using the gothic Arch like comparable systems from Gsy, Gerber etc. This can be useful in preparation for mounting in the articulator (= device for simulating the temporomandibular joint movement). If the ICP-Position is detected in the plane of mandible movement, the CR-Position is correct. Subsequently, incidental tooth corrections can be made to achieve a relaxed jaw position. Wearing the AFR-Mini-REG for 5 minutes before taking a bite is recommended to achieve sufficient neuromuscular relaxation.InstructionsThe AFR Mini-Reg JIG Splint is cleaned with a disinfectant towel before registration. The Anterior Functional Registration tool is attached to the upper and lower incisors. Parts A and B of the Mini-Reg are firmly attached to the incisors with suitable material such as (Compound Sticks, Putty Silicon, PVS, Bite Registration Silicon,...).A thin coat of BAUSCH Arti-Spray white BK 285 can be sprayed onto the registration plateau to check the lower jaw movement. The patient should now move the mandible in all horizontal directions. The tip of the Gothic arch is the CR position (centric relation) of the mandible.Heat the supplied CR Bite Wax to approx. 50°C. The lower jaw is guided into the CR position and the bite registration is fixed with the wax plate.After transferring the maxillary model using a facebow, both models are mounted in the articulator. Before the lower model is integrated into the articulator, the incisal pin must be extended by 10 mm to compensate for the vertical dimension of the CR Bite Wax. This is the maximum vertical dimension of the AFR Mini Reg.In CR position, the condyles are in rotation. Therefore, increasing the bite by ≤ 10 mm has no significant effect on the exact CR position.After mounting the models, the vertical dimension is lowered in the articulator until the first occlusal interference contact in CR position can be detected with the Shimstock Foil (BAUSCH Arti-Fol Metallic BK 38). This first contact in CR should also be reproducible on the patient with Articulating Paper (Bausch Progess 100).If the ICP position could be detected in the plane of the mandibular movement, the CR position is correct. The self-adhesive millimeter labels can also be used to record the mandibular movement with an occlusion test foil (Arti-Fol). This label can be sealed with the attached plastic label and filed in the patient file.
Spoony Gloss - Corrects Lingual Posture
The splint with a triple effect for the treatment of swallowing disordersSwallowing difficulties or dysphagia can occur in early childhood years.If left untreated, a poorly positioned tongue can lead to health consequences such as mouth breathing, tongue protrusion or speech disorders. Due to the individual adjustment options, the Spoony Gloss is suitable for everyone. For therapy of myofunctional disorder, the tongue is automatically guided against the palate during swallowing.With a myofunctional disorder, the tongue pushes against the front and side teeth, which can regularly lead to tooth and jaw misalignment. Further symptoms are mouth breathing and opening, sibilant sounds, increased salivation, forward displacement of the tongue during talking and speech disorders.
Spoony Gloss Triple Effect
The ready-to-use splint has three main functions for the therapy of myofunctional dysphasia.
1. The tongue is automatically guided against the palate during swallowing
The double spoon provides a correction of the tongue movement during swallowing. The daily use of this splint for 15 minutes provides a long lasting training effect for repositioning the tongue into the correct position.
2. The clenching of the teeth during swallowing is stimulated
The special design of the splint coordinates the neuromuscular system during the swallowing process.
3. The tension of the lip muscles is controlled
The shape of the double cone is used for optimal positioning of the lips during swallowing. The conscious control of the swallowing process enables the treatment of Orofacial Myfunctional Disorders (OMD).
Die neue CMD SchieneRehaSplintDer RehaSplint ist die neue temporäre Aufbissschiene bei CMD Beschwerden. Die neue Entspannungsschiene von Dentrade kann auch bei starkem Knirschen oder Pressen verwendet werden. Die Schiene in der praktischen Einheitsgröße dient der temporären Linderung von CMD bedingten Schmerzen. Der RehaSplint befindet sich bereits in einer vorgegebenen gerundeten Form des Kiefers. Die CMD-Schiene ist besonders angenehm nachts zu tragen und hält auch erhöhten Kaudruck stand.Erhältlich in den Ausführungen Soft (40 Shore A), Medium (50 Shore A) und Hard (60 Shore A).Der RehaSplint wird für folgende Anwendungen empfohlen: Anatomisch optimierte Passform für normale KiefergrößeKeine scharfen Ecken und KantenAngenehmer TragekomfortSofortige Anwendung ohne jegliche VorbereitungVerhindert neuromuskuläre AnpassungenSofort-Hilfe für CMD-PatientenLanglebige Aufbisspolster für hohe KaukräfteElastomer kompensiert okklusale HochständeAuflösung von adaptierten Schonhaltungen des Unterkiefers in der HIKP (gewohnheitsgemäßer maximaler Zahnschluss) Schmerzreduktion bei muskulärer Beeinträchtigung durch Überbelastung oder Verspannungen durch Schonhaltungen oder Veränderungen der BisslageWas ist CMD?Die Zähne des Ober- und Unterkiefers, die Kaumuskulatur, das Kiefergelenk und die Muskelgruppen der Kopf- und Halsregion werden zusammen als craniomandibuläres System bezeichnet. Entsteht eine Dysbalance zwischen diesen einzelnen Bestandteilen, spricht man von einer craniomandibulären Dysfunktion (CMD). Die Ursachen einer craniomandibulären Dysfunktion (CMD) sind multifaktoriell und betreffen ein stetig wachsendes Patientenkollektiv. Stress, Okklusionsstörungen sowie Beeinträchtigung der Kaumuskulatur und Kiefergelenke verstärken die Symptome wie Schmerzen und Verspannung der gesamten Muskulatur. Falls Sie unsicher sind, ob Sie an einer CMD leiden, können Sie kostenlos an unserem Selbsttest teilnehmen.Symptome zur Erkennung einer CMD:Kiefergelenksschmerzen Zähneknirschen (Bruxismus) Knacken, Reibung und Schmerzen im KiefergelenkKopfschmerzen und MigräneVerspannungen im Nacken, Rücken und SchulterSchluckbeschwerden
Bausch Progress 100µ Articulating Paper BK 53 blue or BK 54 red for staining occlusal contacts.P-Scan method according to Prodinger-Glöckl To enable osteopaths, physiotherapists, kinesiologists and also dentists to document a change in occlusal conditions after osteopathic or manual therapy pretreatments, the use of Arti-Dry papers in 80μ, 120μ or 190μ thickness with Progress100 REF BK 53 blue or REF BK 54 red articulation paper is an ideal combination. The P-Scan method is a simple technique for osteopaths, physiotherapists and manual therapists to register and document occlusal relationships between the maxilla and mandible.Additional informationThis flexible fiber-reinforced paper with high color storage volume conforms precisely to the occlusal surface. With its progressive shade, it precisely marks occlusal contact points or centric stops. The paper, which is only 100 µ thin, is impregnated with hydrophilic waxes and pharmaceutical oils. The unique combination with the bonding agent Transculase thus makes it possible to check even difficult contacts on highly polished metals, highly polished ceramics or moist surfaces.
Are you looking for a box to store your Aqualizer?The case is an hygienic storage for an Aqualizer that has already been worn. It is made of PE plastic, which is also used for storage of food.All models of the Aqualizer - Mini, Slim & Ultra - fit into the box.The Aqualizer is worn on average of 6-8 hours per day and can be used about 2-3 weeks. The Aqualizer should be kept dry and hygienic in a box when it is not worn.Benefits:HygienicDry storageSuitable for all Aqualizer modelsAlso suitable for braces, dentures and individual splintsProtection against damage and dirtFor use at home and on the roadPrevents premature aging of the materialStoring the Aqualizer in a glass of water, a damp cloth or in air is not recommended as it can prematurely age the material of braces, dental trays or dentures. The boxes can be easily cleaned with hot water and dishwashing detergent.
Occlusion Made Easy Occlusion Made Easy is a reference book by practitioner for practitioner. The book is written in easy understandable English, especially for dental students. Many facts are visually supported with the help of graphics and illustrations.Aesthetics and function?Nowadays, prosthetic restoration with beautiful teeth is an expression of lifestyle for many patients. In many cases, thus, the focus is on aesthetics, instead of function. Occlusion - antagonistic contacts of teeth in statics and dynamics, is an important key to a successful therapy. Therefore, the physiological reconstruction of occlusal surfaces in static and dynamic occlusion, taking into account the biomechanical function of the components involved, remains an important milestone for a functioning prosthetic or restorative treatment. The book by Prof. Gerald Duminil and Dr. Oliver Laplanche is a competent guide with many clinical examples for the practitioner. Using 3D illustrations, complex treatment steps are presented in simple, easy-to-follow steps for self-study. Likewise, complex interrelationships of the stomatognathic system and the neurological and muscular structures involved are presented in images and explanations.Bausch - We make occlusion visible Dr. Jean Bausch GmbH & Co. KG, as a manufacturer of occlusion testing devices, has constantly observed and accompanied the development and progress in dentistry for over 60 years.Acknowledgements This book is a guide and advisor for any dentist who wants to implement prosthetic or restorative treatments in daily practice for successful therapy. The authors have invested a lot of time in this project out of conviction so that other colleagues can also benefit from their knowledge and experience.We hope that you will be as enthusiastic as we are when reading this book and we would also like to thank the authors Prof. Gerald Duminil and Dr. Oliver Laplanche for this outstanding book.
Are you looking for a box to store your Aqualizer?The case is an hygienic storage for an Aqualizer that has already been worn. It is made of PE plastic, which is also used for storage of food.All models of the Aqualizer - Mini, Slim & Ultra - fit into the box.The Aqualizer is worn on average of 6-8 hours per day and can be used about 2-3 weeks. The Aqualizer should be kept dry and hygienic in a box when it is not worn.Benefits:HygienicDry storageSuitable for all Aqualizer modelsAlso suitable for braces, dentures and individual splintsProtection against damage and dirtFor use at home and on the roadPrevents premature aging of the materialStoring the Aqualizer in a glass of water, a damp cloth or in air is not recommended as it can prematurely age the material of braces, dental trays or dentures. The boxes can be easily cleaned with hot water and dishwashing detergent.